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Google Cloud Demo Platform, an internal tool for tech sales to present google cloud solutions to potential customers.
As a Visual UX designer freelancer @Google Cloud Platform for three months, I had the opportunity to work with designers, engineers, sales, and other stakeholders. Due to the confidentiality of this project, I cannot present the design/product details. If you are interested in learning more about this project, feel free to contact me!
How do I work?
I conducted user research, organized notes, and find insights. Our target users mainly are engineer-based sales.
Based on research insights, design critiques, and feedback from engineers and PMs, I design features and iterate to improve user experience.
I created illustrations that followed the enterprise illustration guide based on product needs and also enhanced the visual presentation.
What do I learn?
Asking effective questions is the key
Especially when designing to-B products, I would lack domain knowledge at first, and then I would encounter much confusion in the design. Being brave enough to ask questions to understand the context and learn is the key to good design, even if those questions may be perceived as "silly".
Humanized design
When designing to-b products, sometimes it's inevitable that the design looks cold/overly simplified because we think the user understands the background knowledge of using it. But in reality, a warmer/more thoughtful design, like a loading animation or a guideline, can still lead to a better user experience.
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